
By  the feast of all Angels, Church honours especially archangel Michael because he is the prince of all the Angels. But Church holds also a day to celebrate the guardian angels.
One employs sometimes the word "angels" to indicate the celestial spirits generally. In fact, angels are spiritual creatures forming part, according to the Tradition, of an infinity      of  celestial  Companies  whose  attempts at classification do nothing but highlight the difficulties of the human language of saying something of it. Yet, yhey are quite present in the Scriptures:

The Seraphim (majestic beings with the six wings) appear in the book of Isaiah (6, 2, and 6); they are the Spirits closest to God.

Cherubim, often mentioned in Bible, is in particular placed at the east of the Eden (the Paradise) to prevent the human ones there returning and from reaching the Tree of Life (Gn 3, 24).

On his side Paul or Peter mention other categories of celestial spirits: Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Authorities, Powers (Col 1, 16; Ep 1, 21;  1 P 3,22).
With regard to the angels, the Bible gives the name of three of them: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. 

Apart from the exterminating angel in question in the account of first Passover and in the first book of the Chronicles (21, 15).

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Celestial Spirits