
"He (Jesus) taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes. Because he did not say "the Lord says this", nor "He who sent me said that"; He spoke on his behalf, him which originally had spoken by the prophets [...]

And they were struck by His teaching. What had he thus taught again? What had He said about incredible?

He said, Him personally, what He had made say previously by the prophets. And they astonished, because His teaching gave to think that He held the authority, contrary to the scribes.

He did not speak as a master, but as Lord.
His matter did not refer to any higher superior authority, He spoke in Hs proper Name"
(Jerome, homely on Mark 1, 13-31).

The author

Jerome (ca. 347 - September 30, 420; , ) is best known as the translator of the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into Latin. He also was a Christian apologist. Jerome's edition of the Bible, the `Vulgate`, is still an important text of the Catholic Church. He is recognized by the Catholic Church as a canonized Saint and Doctor of the Church. He spends three years to Constantinople (today Istanbul to Turkey) with Gregory of Nazianze. He was also the secretary of the Damase pope.

Jesus taught them as one who had authority

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